Saas Fee welcomes its first hostel! - wellnessHostel 4000!

Saas Fee is due to welcome its first hostel, wellnessHostel 4000. Due to open on the 5th September this year with 168 beds and at the entrance of the village next to the Postauto bus stop. The unique architectural design and direct access to the new spa and gym facilities in the Aqua Allalin leisure centre are certainly going to make this a fantastic place to stay! wellnessHostel 4000 Being the very first hostel in the glacier village of Saas Fee, the idea had to be innovative and break new ground in the village. The hostel combines the typical laid back atmosphere and low prices of a your hostel with the modern requirements of a wellness centre and fitness facilities. With a great mix of contemporary architecture, easy going hospitality, sustainability as a way of life and high quality aspirations make up an offering whose informal style unites guests from all over the world. restaurant 4000 – fresh and regional Laid...